Displaying episodes 31 - 48 of 48 in total

17 - Dogs

Is Alex correct in her adamance that a dog can never be a dickhead? The team discuss the reckless adventures of wannabe stunt dogs and how Iain’s famous dog also stole...

16 - Sleep

The DBAD community the team had plenty for Iain, Alex and John to get into on the topic of sleep dickheadery. Countering negative thoughts by imaging you are a duck, a...

15 – Siblings

In a warm and cuddly episode, the team discuss how sibling rivalry is a rite of passage. Iain and Alex share tales of dickheadery that only brothers and sisters would ...

14 - Sexism

Is it sexist to call girls “guys”? Alex, Iain and John question just what the Oxford English dictionary are playing at with some of their synonyms, the acceptability o...

13 - Transport

Alex, Iain and John are talking planes, trains and tuk-tuks as they explore motion-based dickheadery. Taxi driver exchanges, pre-flight drinking and reclining seats ar...

12 - Environment

The team answer the call from all the scientists to work out how we can change our behaviour to save the planet. Giant solar sunshades, putting a blanket over Greenlan...

11 – Bystanders

John shares how he and his brother chased down a gunman as a lead into a discussion around the bystander effect and why it is important to reducing dickheardery. The t...

10 – Neighbours

The team debate dickheadery nominated from the community such as noisy song skippers and sunny day mowers. Alex questions everything she believed about windchimes, Iai...

9 - Food

Poor manners, over seasoning, Brad Pitt imitators and stray pubes are all on the menu as Alex, Iain and John discuss how we all improve our behaviours when it comes to...

8 – Words & phrases

Iain, John and new co-presenter Alex delve into dickheadery surrounding malapropisms and other incorrect use of words and phrases. The discussion is packed with conten...

7 - Illness

Iain shares a story of delirious public affection to strangers who nursed him back to health before spitting vile about the curse of the nit merry-go-round. John decla...

6 - Work

Bad smells, drunken behaviour and evaluating weekends are amongst the workplace dickheadery that Iain and John explore in this episode. Plus, Iain uses mushroom prepar...

5 - Mistakes

When does a mistake become dickheadery? Iain poses a big question with his tale of broadcasting an 11-year old’s confinement to a child’s swing. What do you think? #di...

4 - Drunk

What type of drunk are you? Iain and John overshare their misdemeanours with drunken dickheadery. We discuss the difference between Hemingway, Mary Poppins, The Nutty ...

3 - Kids online

In this episode John and Iain get down with the kids as they discuss how parents and carers can reduce their dickheadery when it comes to let younger ones loose on the...

2 - Relationships

John and Iain are on dangerous ground as they consider crimes of dickheadery they’ve committed in their relationships as a basis for supporting everyone get through th...

1 - Covidickheads

As the nation adapts to the Covid-19 pandemic John and Iain reflect on the actions of Covidiots and what we can do to stop ourselves succumbing to our Covidickhead urg...

0 - What is a dickhead?

John and Iain explain the principles of the DBAD movement, swap stories and discuss what a dickhead and dickheadery mean to them. Recorded in the UK midst lockdown of...

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